Loranger Memorial School, OOB
Loranger Memorial School, OOB
Libby Memorial Library, OOB
Libby Memorial Library, OOB
Creative Works, Saco
Meet me at 90 Industrial Parkway (home of YES Artworks!)
Creative Works, Saco
🤔If you know of a space that could host a FREE DANCE-ALONG, please reach out!!! Our communities deserve to HAVE FUN and GET FIT FOR FREE!!!🎉
Let go of expectations, and look forward to DANCE. DANCE with AMANDA is designed to be simple, adaptable and above all - ENJOYABLE!!!
The best things in life are free!!! DANCE with AMANDA is a FREE DANCE-ALONG. Just show-up, and DANCE-ALONG!!!
All are welcome!!! No one is too anything (old, young, big, small, happy, sad, loud, quiet, active, inactive…) to DANCE! Accept yourself, and appreciate what you CAN do… AND DANCE!!!